Try this..
// second bundle
MessageResources res2 = (MessageRessource)request.getAttribute("prop2").

I assume you are not using struts modules.

see following also...
protected MessageResources getResources(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
java.lang.String key)

"Otto, Frank" wrote:

> Hi,
> I have defined two properties files in my struts-config.xml:
> <message-resource parameter="resource1"/>
> <message-resource parameter="resource2" key="prop2"/>
> If I want to access the second properties-file in a jsp-page I will use this:
> <bean:message key="label.key" bundle="prop2"/>
> It functions, but how must I use it in action classes?
> // standard bundle
> MessageResources res1 = (MessageRessource)request.getAttribute(Globals.MESSAGES_KEY)
> // second bundle
> MessageResources res2 = (MessageRessource)request.getAttribute(???)
> Has anyone an idea?
> Regards,
> Frank

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