Tim Clotworthy wrote:

I am saddled with having to re-implement a struts-based architecture
designed to run on a Tomcat web container, to an Oracle 9iAS Release2
(Tomcat is out, end-of-discussion). Unfortunately, 9iAS support Struts1.0
framework, but does not seem to support the various Struts1.1 capabilities
that our system already leverages, which include:

1) the RequestProcessor (specifically using ProcessRoles extension)
2) Tiles
3) LookupDispatchAction class
4) some other things..

If anyone else may be in a similarly unfortunate position, and can share any
insights on how they either:

1) figured out how to get 9iAS Release2 to work with Struts1.1,

Or else:

2) can share any insights on how they got around similar problems, it would
be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


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I have used Struts 1.1 with 9ias 9.0.2 and 9.0.3 and it worked fine. I believe I even ran it on 9.0.1 and that was OK as well. The only issue I have had is that JSTL does not work with 9.0.2 or less, but besides that you should be good to go. I think JDeveloper might ship with 1.0, but you are by no means limited to using that on 9ias.


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