Hello Sashi,



SR> Hi

SR> The following code which is used to iterate works fine when using Java
SR> Version 1.3.1_07, but when we started to use 1.3.1_09 , we get an
SR> error.

Seems like a problem of your jdk 1.3.1_09. Struts 1.1 works with

SR> We are using Struts 1.1 final release libraries.

SR> I am pasting the code we used and also the error message. Are there any
SR> deprecated methods used by Struts tags which are not compatable with
SR> Java 1.31._07.

SR> <table  width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1">
Try inserting here something like the following to check your getter


If it does exist I would really assume a jdk error. Then try changing
the name of your property. Maybe it has to do with capitalization of
'assocSBList'. Try assocSbList.

SR> <logic:iterate id="sbList" name="addProviderForm"
SR> property="assocSBList" indexId="i" >
SR> <tr>
SR> <td><html:text  name="sbList" property="sbBeginDate" maxlength="10"
size="10"  />></td>
SR>  <td><html:text  name="sbList" property="sbEndDate"  maxlength="10"
size="10" />></td>
SR> <tr>
SR> </logic:iterate>
SR> </table>

SR> Error msg when using Java Version 1.3.1_09

SR> No getter method for assocSBList in addProviderForm
SR> ......

SR> Thanks

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