How to submit a form to an external web link (not part of the current
web application)?


In struts action, all links are interpreted relative to web context and
therefore "forward" object specified in 

struts-config does not work.



public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)



            ActionForward forward =



// Strtus-config:


<forward name="constructionPage"


Web context:  myapplication


URL in <forward> tag of the struts-config is evaluated as
"/myapplication/"; which 

obviously is not a valid URL.



One approach is to append all form parameters as query string in URL and
use response.sendRedirectTo(...) method of HTTPServeletRequest class

but this is not desirable for security reasons.


Does any one know any alternative approach to submit forms to external
sites using POST?


Any suggestion will be appreciated.

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