Vic Cekvenich wrote:

BaTien Duong wrote:

i am able to have struts-chain example (the old

struts-example with struts-chain built from cvs) up and running using j2sdk1.4.2_02 and tomcat 5.0.14.

Where did you find an example of using a Struts chain?


The struts-example is in cvs/jakarta-struts/contrib/struts-chain or in the nightly built of struts-src /jakarta-struts/contrib/struts-chain

There is a and built.xml to create struts-example war file using struts-chain. The build process is terrible, so you need to hack it. Here are the steps i used:
1) use maven to build jetspeed-2 so i get portlet-api-1.0.jar in my local .maven/repository. Do not use the one in struts-chain build (I thing 0.6-dev)
2) use maven to build commons-chain, so i get commons-chain-0.1.jar in my local repository. Do not use the one in struts-chain build.
3) Edit the using in struts-chain directory with your appropriate settings.
4) Edit the buiild.xml in struts-chain directory with your appropriate settings. Take out the whole section of Custom Tomcat Integration.
5) Use *ant clean dist* command to run against the edited build.xml. Be patient and correct errors in the build process as you go along.
6) The result of successful build is /struts-chain/build/webapps/example/ and
/struts-chain/dist/webapps/struts-chain.war that you can manually copy to tomcat/webapps directory and run sub app /struts-chain
7) You may likely have a problem to get struts-example running under the new design of struts-chain. If this is the case, then compare contents of struts-chain and old struts-example. Copy the missing of .dtd and jar files from struts-example to struts-chain.

P.S. I hear you are also looking at HiveMind too. Let's see how we put struts-chain catalog(s) as a HiveMind service so we can combine the strength and simplicity of the 2 frameworks into a simple-practical solution.


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