Is there a patch number or other information you could provide me with?

Bjørn T Johansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This is a bug in WLS 8.1 which is going to be fixed in SP 2.. Meanwhile
a patch is available from BEA...


On Fri, 2003-11-07 at 13:37, Joshua White wrote:
> Has anyone else had a problem with the bean:define tag?
> This is a little frustrating! Any help would be appreciated.
> Following code works in Tomcat & Sun One 7 Appserver but not in WLS 8.1.
> > property="someProperty" scope="session" toScope="page" />
> > value="">
> ...
> The first line works in all environments and demonstrates that the form bean is 
> there and that the property is not null. (No problem here)
> The next line, I define a page scoped variable (I have tried omitting the toSocpe 
> attribute all togeather as well). No errors are generated from this line.
> An error gets generated from the third line. The error message explains that the 
> "propertyThatCausesProblems" is not defined.
> If I sneek a line between lines two and three which defines a string named 
> "propertyThatCausesProblems", the problem goes away.
> I am not sure what to do here. It seem as though the bean:define tag does not every 
> create a variable (Only when deployed on WLS 8.1).
> Any ideas?
> Regards,
> Joshua

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