Probably .. The form tag has the action , which is linked to some different
form .

Ie say you have form tag like this 
<html:form action="/A" method="POST">

And in struts config , the action is mapped to some form say form name B ,
then your html options tag should be like 

        <html:options name="B" property="vendorsIndex"

In case of bean write , it wont look up for the form mapped to the action ..
Hence that works ..

Check this thing ..


-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Friesleben [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 1:52 PM
Subject: WG: Problem with <html:options> - tag

I'm receiving this error using Tomcat 4.1 and Struts 1.0

"javax.servlet.ServletException: No getter method available for property
vendors for bean under name null" 

I'm using the <html:options> tag this way:

<html:select name="someForm" property="vendorID">
   <html:options name="someForm" property="vendorsIndex"
labelProperty="vendors"/> </html:select>

Since formbean "SomeForm" is reused from another context it is explicitly
initialized and set to the session in the ActionClass defined in the
<html:form>  tag of this JSP.

Funny thing is if I'm doing <bean:write name="someForm" property="vendors"
/> in the same JSP I see the complete list of vendors.

Any suggestions?

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