Good morning...

I'm having an impossible time getting a pool of connections to a DB2
database going.

I've gotten a single connection to work using the old method
(DriverManager.register, DriverManager.getConnection, ...) but I can't seem
to do it by describing the datasource in struts-config.xml and calling

Here's the code that works (in a bean):
        Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:db2:DB2Test",
"user", "password");

I've tried a whole bunch configurations in struts-config.xml, for example:
        <data-source key="CIS"
                <set-property property="driverClass"
value="" />
                <set-property property="url" value="jdbc:db2:DB2Test" />
                <set-property property="user" value="user" />
                <set-property property="password" value="password" />
                <set-property property="maxActive" value="10" />
                <set-property property="maxWait" value="5000" />
                <set-property property="defaultAutoCommit" value="false" />

and then in my Action I call:
        CISCustomerLookup ccl = new CISCustomerLookup(getDataSource(req,

Where ccl is my bean and to shield it from the Struts layer I pass the
connection it should use for the lookup.  But it doesn't work.  The latest
error I recieved is the following:
        javax.servlet.ServletException: [IBM][JDBC Drvier] CLI0615E Error
receiving from...

I've also recieved messages alluding to no suitable driver available.  And
when I check the Tomcat log I have often had a situation where the
ActionServlet was marked unavailable due to a problem creating the
datasource when I deployed the war.

 I've also tried the net driver ( with
similar results.

Help me please!!!  Any working examples would be most apprciated.

Eric Schultz
Technical Leader
Conseiller Technique
Specialist in interactive business solutions
Specialiste en solutions d'affaires interactives
14 Commerce Place, 5th floor
Nun's Island, QC  H4E 1T5
t: 514 768-1000
f: 514 768-7680

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