
I am trying to write a logon page as discribed on the struts-example, but finding
some problem with my logon.jsp when  ActionLogon.java trys to return ActionErrors
or ActionMessages back to the original page, the logon.jsp. I am using Struts1.1
+ jboss-3.2.1_tomcat-4.1.24. I tried two ways to display the errors by using the 
<htlm:errors/> tag and without the tag. Can someone tell me what is going on.

Thank you in advance,
Kam Lung Leung

Below is the tested condictions for both situations:
The first part which is without the <html:errors/> on the logon page and I only
had the code listed
below in the logon.jsp.

                There were errors
                <font color='red' >
                        <html:messages id="validatorMsgs"  message="true" >
                         <bean:write name="validatorMsgs"/> 

I tested the following conditions:
1) userName == empty string, and password == empty string (invalid format case)
  I got the popup window saying that User Name is required and Password is

2) userName == hohoho and password == empty string (invalid format case)
  I got the popup window saying that Password is required.

3) userName == hohoho, and password == ho (invalid format case)
  I got no popup window, but instead the error massage was on the same logon page
saying "There were errors". I am expecting a popup window with an error message
saying that password can not be less then 6 characters.

4) userName == hohoho, and password == hohoho (valid format case, but wrong
  I got either popup window nor error message on the logon page. I am especting  
an error message as Invalid Password for this user on the logon page.

The second part which is with the <html:errors/> on the logon page and I had the
code listed
below in the logon.jsp.
                There were errors
                <font color='red' >
                        <html:messages id="validatorMsgs"  message="true" >
                         <bean:write name="validatorMsgs"/> 

I tested the following conditions:
1) userName == empty string, and password == empty string (invalid format case)
  I got the popup windown saying that User Name is required and Password is
2) userName == hohoho and password == empty string (invalid format case)               
  I got the popup windown saying that Password is required.

3) userName == hohoho, and password == ho (invalid format case)
  I got these messages on the logon page. 
        Password can not be less than 6 characters.
        There were errors
  I am expecting to see the "Password can not be less than 6 characters." on the
popup windown at least.

4) userName == hohoho, and password == hohoho (valid format case, but wrong
   I got either popup windown nor error message on the logon page. I am especting
  an error message as Invalid Password for this user on the logon page.

    <<<< application.property >>>>
adminLogonForm.userName=User Name
adminLogonForm.userName.maskmsg=The First Character Of The User Name Must Be A
adminLogonForm.password.maskmsg=The First Character Of The Password Must Be A
adminLogonForm.error.password=Invalid Password for this user.

<<<< Here is the validation.xml file >>>>>
 <form  name="adminLogonForm">
   <field property="password"
         <msg name="mask" key="adminLogonForm.password.maskmsg"/>
         <arg0 key="adminLogonForm.password"/>
         <arg1 name="minlength" key="${var:minlength}" resource="false"/>
         <arg1 name="maxlength" key="${var:maxlength}" resource="false"/>

<<<<<    struts-config.xml >>>>>>>
   <form-bean   name="adminLogonForm"
       type="com.wlwa.Infra.WebComponemt.Dispatcher.Forms.AdminLogonForm" />
    <forward   name="logoff" path="/adminLogoff.do"/>
    <forward   name="logon" 
   <action   path="/adminLogonSubmit"
      <forward name="success" 
               path="/Infra/WebComponemt/Presentation/index.jsp"> />
<<<<<   Here is my ActionLogon.java >>>>>
     ActionMessages actionsMsgs = new ActionMessages();
     // Validate the request parameters specified by the user
     String username = (String) PropertyUtils.getSimpleProperty(form,"userName");
     String password = (String) PropertyUtils.getSimpleProperty(form,"password");
     try {
       if (lookUpUser(password, username) == false) {
                   new ActionMessage("adminLogonForm.error.password"));
     } catch (Exception ex) {
       // Report any actionsMsgs we have discovered back to the original form
           new ActionMessage("adminLogonForm.error.password", ex.toString()));
       if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("validation of user passwword failed for username:" +username);
        log.debug("End of execute ");
       return (mapping.getInputForward());
     } //end try-catch 
     if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("execute : password validation ended for user :" + username);
     // Report any actionsMsgs we have discovered back to the original form
     if (!actionsMsgs.isEmpty()) {
      saveMessages(request, actionsMsgs);
      if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
       log.debug("validation of user passwword failed for username:" + username);
       log.debug("End of execute ");
      return (mapping.getInputForward());
<<<< server.log >>>>>
DEBUG [org.apache.commons.beanutils.ConvertUtils] Convert string 'kamhoho' to
class 'java.lang.String'
DEBUG [org.apache.commons.beanutils.ConvertUtils]   Using converter
DEBUG [org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils] 
setProperty([EMAIL PROTECTED],
userName, [tytyty])
DEBUG [org.apache.commons.beanutils.ConvertUtils] Convert string 'tytyty' to
class 'java.lang.String'
DEBUG [org.apache.commons.beanutils.ConvertUtils]   Using converter
DEBUG [org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor]  Validating input form
DEBUG [org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor]   No errors detected, accepting
DEBUG [org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor]  Looking for Action instance
for class com.wlwa.Infra.WebComponemt.Dispatcher.Actions.AdminLogonAction 
DEBUG [org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor]   Returning existing Action
DEBUG [com.wlwa.Infra.WebComponemt.Dispatcher.Action.AdminLogonAction] Begin of
DEBUG [com.wlwa.Infra.WebComponemt.Dispatcher.Action.AdminLogonAction] execute :
password validation ended for user : tytyty
DEBUG [com.wlwa.Infra.WebComponemt.Dispatcher.Action.AdminLogonAction] End of
DEBUG [org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesRequestProcessor]
processForwardConfig(/Infra/WebComponemt/Presentation/index.jsp, false)
DEBUG [org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesRequestProcessor] 
'/Infra/WebComponemt/Presentation/index.jsp' - processed as uri
DEBUG [org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor]

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