hello everyone...is there some secret to getting struts 1.1 to work with
weblogic server and JSTL ? Probably not. Can someone please help?



I'm running weblogic 7.0 SP4, with jdk131_08

I unpacked the struts-blank.war file from the struts 1.1 binary distribution
and copied it to a new directory i created under my webapps directory,
restarted the server, and "Welcome.do" worked.

I added the line:

<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"; prefix="c" %>

to the Welcome.jsp file as the first line.

I downloaded the jakarta-taglibs-standard-1.1.0-B1 distribution and copied
everything in the lib directory to my WEB-INF/lib directory. Then I copied
the tld directory and its contents to my WEB-INF directory.

The error I'm getting is:

Parsing of JSP File '/pages/Welcome.jsp' failed:


/pages/Welcome.jsp(-1): cannot load TLD:
weblogic.xml.dom.ChildCountException: missing child tagclass in tag
probably occurred due to an error in /pages/Welcome.jsp line -1:

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