I've recently written a struts module that I am plugging into one of our
apps.  I'm getting some odd behavior when I do action forwards to
jsp's.  Heres the situation:

in web.xml I have:
param: config
value: /WEB-INF/conf/struts-config.xml            
param: config/logging
value: /WEB-INF/logging/struts-logging-module.xml

In the struts-logging-module.xml I have an action defined at path
listLoggers.  This action forwards to /WEB-INF/logging/listLoggers.jsp. 
When I access CONTEXT_PATH/logging/listLiggers.do I get a 404 because
struts was trying to forward to a page located at
/logging/WEB-INF/logging/listLoggers.jsp.  It prepends the /logging to
all the pages that are included.  If I place the jsp's in the directory
/logging/WEB-INF/logging then I don't get the 404 errors.  I need to
place the JSP's in the WEB-INF directory to protect the resources.  Any
ideas on how to tell struts not to prepend the /logging (module name)
when executing a forward would be appreciated.


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