Due to a mistake on my part the updated bundle may not have been
deployed to the webserver.  Sorry about that, but that's what I get
for trying to get a bundle out the door when I'm dead tired.  This
has been fixed and the actual release can be found at:


On Thu, Nov 20, 2003 at 11:46:53PM -0500, Nick Heudecker wrote:
> All:
> I've just finished the second version of the XDoclet extension to
> support generating Struts DynaForm configs.  The content of the README
> are below.  The fully documented bundle can be found at:
> http://www.systemmobile.com/code/xdoclet-apache-module-sm-1_2b4.zip
> Changes since last release
> --------------------------
>  -) The only thing needed to specify a form-property element is
>  @struts.dynaform-field.  Everything else can be determined from the
>  getter method.
>  -) Superclasses are now checked for method-level tags.  Handy for
>  defining forms throughout an object hierarchy.
>  -) You can now have multiple @struts.dynaform-field tags per method.
>  Useful if you need to have an object property presented as multiple
>  fields in the form.  (I use this for dates sometimes.)
>  -) The 'size' attribute for form-property tags is now supported.
>  -) I think I fixed a bug with name collision when generating of forms
>  from an object hierarchy.  
> Installation
> ------------
> To install, simply extract the zip and replace your existing
> xdoclet-apache-module-1.2b4.jar with xdoclet-apache-module-sm-1.2b4.jar.
> Ant
> ---
> Since this feature runs when the strutsconfigxml XDoclet target runs, you
> just use that Ant task.  An example is below:
>     <target name="webapp-config">
>         <taskdef classname="xdoclet.modules.web.WebDocletTask"
>                        classpathref="project.class.path" name="webdoclet"/>
>         <webdoclet destDir="etc/web" excludedTags="@author,@version,@todo"
>                          mergeDir="etc/merge">
>             <fileset dir="src">
>                 <include name="**/*.java"/>
>             </fileset>
>             <strutsconfigxml destDir="etc/web" mergeDir="etc/merge"
>                                        version="1.1"/>
>         </webdoclet>
>     </target>
> Usage
> -----
> This patch to the XDoclet Apache module provides support for Struts
> DynaForms.  The following tags are supported:
> Class Level Tags:
> @struts.dynaform
> Attributes:
> name - The name of the form bean in the config. [required]
> type - The type of DynaForm. [required]
> description - Descriptive string. [optional]
> className - The config class. [optional]
> Method Level Tags:
> @struts.dynaform-field
> Attributes:
> name - The name of the form field.  If not specified, the property name
>        of the method is used. [optional]
> type - The type of field.  If not specified, the return type of the
>        getter is used. [optional]
> initial - The initial value of the field. [optional]
> className - The config class. [optional]
> There is a simple example in the examples directory.
> Hacking
> -------
> Adding this functionality didn't require any code changes, just a
> small change to the struts_config.xdt template, and the addition of
> the struts_dynaform.xdt.  If you want to add additional functionality,
> you'll probably want to start with struts_dynaform.xdt, which can be
> found in the xdoclet/modules/apache/struts/resources directory once
> the JAR is extracted.
> Contact
> -------
> I can be reached via email at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -- 
> Nick Heudecker
> SystemMobile, Inc.
> Web: http://www.systemmobile.com
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Nick Heudecker
SystemMobile, Inc.
Phone: 734.604.9192
Web: http://www.systemmobile.com

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