I have a question concerning a mode of use of the framework :

My standard use is:

1- the html form is sent to the server by calling a '.do' url
2- the actionform reset() method is called
3- the actionform setXyz() method are called (for each 'xyz' parameters of
the html form)
4- the actionform validate() method is called
5- the action execute() method is called
6- the action forwards the to a jsp page

My problem occurs when the 6th step is replaced by "the action forwards the
to a '.do'" url because in that case the following behaviour occurs

1- the html form is sent to the server by calling a '.do' url
2- the actionform named 'af_1' reset() method is called
3- the 'af_1' setXyz() method are called (for each 'xyz' parameters of the
html form)
4- the 'af_1' validate() method is called
5- the action execute() method is called
IN THIS JAVA CODE I MODIFY THE CONTENT OF THE 'af_1' actionform and I store
the modified actionform with a 'request.setAttribute("actionform",my_af1)'
(I guess that the "actionform" key name permits to store the modified data
in the current actionform. Am I right ?)
6- the action forwards the to a '.do' url (the actionform declared for this
2nd '.do' is still named 'af_1': I need to share the data)
7- the actionform 'af_1' reset() method is called
8- the actionform setXyz() method are called
=> HERE IS THE PROBLEM : the actionform modifications that I made in the 5th
step are lost ! (overwritten by the initial html form values of the 1st step
9- the actionform validate() method is called

I have tried to store the modified data in a copied actionform but they are
lost also.

Thanx for your answers.

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