I have been using the struts taglibs and have been trying to use only
  When using DynaBeans the JSTL doesn't work (${bean.propertyA} doesn't
print anything)

  I solved the problem of accessing DynaBeans extending the BasicDynaBean
and implementing the Map interface but I am also using RowSetDynaClass
(which builds a collection of DynaBeans from a ResultSet).
  I have been trying to find a solution and came to this approach:

   - implement a CustomizedRowSet that is a copy of RowSetDynaClass with a
setDynaBeanClass(Class clazz). On the copy(...) method, use a

    - Does anyone have figured out another solution (one that is simpler and
able to reuse the methods that the RowSetDynaClass uses without copy/paste?)

Thank you,

Pedro Salgado 

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