Hrmf.  It turns out that this has been a wild goose chase; JBuilder
was using a server.xml that pointed to the wrong appbase (this is
normally  set automatically, but I had inserted a '<Logger>' element
which froze the values) and was using an old code snapshot in
another location.

Mea culpa.  Sorry for wasting time...

Thanks for your help, Kris,


Chris Grierson
Systems Adminstrator
Structural Informatics Group
Dept. of Biological Structure
University of Washington


On Tue, 25 Nov 2003, Kris Schneider wrote:

> Have you got struts-el.jar in WEB-INF/lib? If you're using EL, that implies
> you're also using (at least) a JSP 1.2 container. In which case, you don't need
> the <taglib> element in web.xml and you don't need a separate TLD file. Just use
> the "well-known" URI in the directive:
> <%@ taglib prefix="c"
>            uri=""; %>
> <%@ taglib prefix="html"
>            uri=""; %>
> <%@ taglib prefix="html-el"
>            uri=""; %>
> <html-el:link page="/editCase.jsp">Create a Case</html-el:link><br>
> <html-el:link page="/showCase.jsp"
>               paramId="caseId"
>               paramName="case"
>               paramProperty="id">
>   <c:out value="${case.title}"/>
> </html-el:link><br>
> Quoting "C. Grierson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > You know, I'm feeling quite sheepish, as I had looked at line 35,
> > which is simply '<br>' and didn't find anything important.  The next
> > line, however, seems to be the culprit (or at least a definite
> > candidate): an '<html:link>' tag.  The <% taglib %> directive has the
> > correct URI reference (ie, a corresponding web.xml entry with an
> > existing 'taglib-location' file entry).
> >
> > Forgive my total ignorance of tag libraries.  I took a quick peek at
> > the classes in struts-el.jar and struts.jar and see the naming
> > convention is (EL)<Tag_name>Tag.class, but the message is clearly
> > mentioning the class 'link'.  Any ideas?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > -c
> >
> > PS: The exact JSP lines involving <html:link> are:
> >
> > <html:link page="/editCase.jsp">Create a Case</html:link><br>
> >
> > ^^^ that's line 36 which is maybe coincidentally close to 35 as referring
> > to the compiled servlet code line...  I don't know.
> >
> > and
> >
> > <html:link page="/showCase.jsp?caseId=${}"><c:out
> > value="${case.title}"/></html:link><br>
> --
> Kris Schneider <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> D.O.Tech       <>

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