Hi group

I have a problem, which I can not find a solution to.

I have a Struts form for uploading files. On this form you can also define a
description for the uploaded file. On the server side (Action using business
delegates to go to EJBs) the description and a serverside filename get
stored in a database and the uploaded file is written to a specific

All the above steps are done with success.

But then i need to forward to another page from the action it just displays
the same page again.
I have looked in the log file for my app server (JBoss) and it actually
finds the right path to the forward, so it is the right forward that is
returned from the action.

After this I can see (in the log) that somehow a POST to the upload form is
issued, resulting (of course) in the upload action being done again...and
where you go in a ring..

Any hints...?

Oh, BTW...when I use "another" encoding that the "multipart/form-data"  used
to perform file upload...forwarding is working just fine... ??!

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