Hi all, 

Is there a way to use html:rewrite and not have it embed the jsessionid
on certain links (as with JavaScripts, images, or css style sheets which
don't really work well with resources that have arbitrary strings
attached to them -- that is, here's the issue:

<script language="JavaScript" src="<html:rewrite forward="image_dir"
/>Pagination.js"> </script> 

This yields, as the page is loaded,
/site/assets/js/?jsessionid32543543Pagination.js or some such string --
I could create forwards for every image, js and css in the site and then
have the forward just write <html:rewrite forward=pagination_js /> but
that seems awfully hackish and clunky and just moves the bad design to
the struts-cohnfig.xml, which I imagine is where it should be ifg
anywhere but still, theres got to be a better way? A tag attribute, a
page scope attribute, something. 

Any help is again appreciated, thanks, 


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