On Mon, 1 Dec 2003, Sharmila Pandith wrote:

> Hi,
> I am using FormFile and after it is validated it must be displayed on the
> next JSP. However, the field is blank. When I look at the source in IE6, I
> see the file name without the directory. But even that is not displayed.
> Any thoughts?

Yes, basically, you cannot expect to pre-fill an input field of type
"file" (html file upload box with browse button).  It is not supported in
all browsers and those that do, prompt the user to so they can cancel the
field value or the form all-together.

You would be better off doing something like this:
1. Show page (with file upload button), and ask the user if they want
   to upload additional files (radio button or something)
2. If yes, then after that page is processed, show it again, only this
   time with file listed off to the side (similar to how a summary view
   of a shopping cart might do)
3. If no, then move along with your wizard.

Does that help?

> S P
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James Mitchell
Software Developer / Struts Evangelist

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