Hi All, 

        I have the following piece of code in a .jsp

            <html:select property="baseVO.modelYear" size="1">
          <html:optionsCollection property="baseAbstractVO.modelYearList" 
value="modelYear" label="modelYear"/>

        I am getting the error as : 

        [No getter method available for property modelYear for bean under name 2002]: 
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: No getter method available for property modelYear for 
bean under name 2002

My baseVO class has these methods

         * Gets the fieldNo
         * @return Returns a String
        public String getModelYear() {
                return strModelYear;

         * Sets the strModelYear
         * @param strMdlYr The strModelYear to set
        public void setModelYear(String strMdlYr) {
                this.strModelYear = strMdlYr;

         * Gets the ModelYearList
         * @return Returns an arraylist
        public ArrayList getModelYearList() {
                return ModelYearList;

         * Sets the ModelYearList
         * @param ModelYearList The ModelYearList to set
        public void setModelYearList(ArrayList listArray) {
                this.ModelYearList = listArray;

        What is the mistake I have done. 

Thanks & Regards

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