Wendy Smoak wrote:
[Originally posted on struts-dev, answering on struts-user]

I just wonder if Struts comes with any significant drawback.

The main problem I'm always running up against is the lack of a "go back
where you came from" mechanism in the framework.  Everything goes
forward, with the exception of Validation, but in that case, you never
really left the page you were on.

Just a thought: In case you are ok with Validation than you can as well use "mapping.getInputForward" in Action to go back ...in case you are in same action mapping. But, I agree you actually mean some other problem.
There is request-header "referrer-to" which will tell you the original source of page from where request came BUT this request-header is not implemented by all browsers.

An example is the sort of lookup I have to do to populate fields on my form. The user puts in a free-form name. I have to display a list of possible matches (a separate form with a bunch of radio buttons) the user picks one, and he must then be taken back to the original form he was working on, with the name he picked inserted into the form and another blank text box now available for his next name choice. Think of a database of people, and you're adding [keys to] "children" to a "parent" record.

I've resorted to putting a 'returnTo' attribute in the session, and
using that to construct an ActionForward, but it's not very pretty.

Several people have posted extensions and workarounds, I think there was
one that keeps a page stack, and is able to push and pop "pages" so that
the user can always be sent back one step (or more).

Manish Singla

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