I encountered the same requirements. javax.print runs well, but printers
don't recognize PDF files in native. So we generate PostScript files for
printing purpose. Users can download PDF files and can also print files in
PostScript format. It works fine.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 12/04/2003 04:45 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To:    struts-user


Subject:    Re: [OT] Re: Printing PDF Files in java

Hi kirk,
Thanks for the reply....Actually i planned to use signed applets with RMI
for remote printing but since i couldnt able to accomplish printing the PDF
file even if u get the original file[through applets saving in local
machine] i couldnt go ahead.......
Any ideas???? other than using JavaScript

Kirk Wylie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Prashanth.S wrote:

> Hi all,
> Is there any way in java tp print PDF files by getting stream out of PDF
> files and giving the same to printer????
> I did lot of R&D on the above topic using javax.print package avilable
> in jdk1.4,third party libraries like PJX,itree and JFreeReport but
> nothing provided me the solution.My requirement is to print user
> selected files in his local printer.

The javax.print stuff is local to the JVM being executed. Assuming that
you're dealing with a server-side application (i.e. your question is
marginally relevant to the struts-user list), you can potentially
accomplish this using JavaScript.

But since essentially you'd have to (on the client using JavaScript):
1) Grab the file
2) Launch Acrobat Reader and instruct IT to print the file

This might be easier said than done.

But someone else might have experience with doing this using JavaScript.
The important thing I wanted to express is that you won't be able to do
it using Java raw because in a server-side application you don't
actually have any Java running on the client's machine: the java is
entirely executing on the server.

Kirk Wylie
M7 Corporation

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