Hello All.

I'm a nubie and I'm having a little problem.  I need to combine an
action mapping to pre-populate a form, with an action mapping for a tile

Let me go into more detail ...

I have an action mapping that gets the information for a form, populates
the form and then forwards on to the page containing the form.  The
mapping looks like this:
The "name" attribute is a form bean I've defined in the <form-beans>
section, which subclasses action form and does all the necessary
validation of the form.  The "type" in the above action is a subclass of
Action which goes to the database and gets the appropriate information,
and then sets the form's properties.  The "type" class then uses the
"parameter" attribute to forward on to our internal templating framework
that we want to get rid of.

As we want to get rid of our internal templating framework and use
tiles, I came up with the following action mapping:
The "parameter" attribute is a tile definition (from tiles-def.xml).
The problem with this is that I can't do the necessary work with
pre-populating the form.

With the first solution, I can pre-populate a form.  With the second
solution, I can use the tiling framework.  Now the big question: how do
I combine both solutions so that I can pre-populate my form and use the
tiling framework?

Thanks in advance.

Jay Dickon Glanville

PS: If this email comes through as HTML or RTF, I apologize.  I BELIEVE
I've setup this email for plain text, but I could be wrong.

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