Ops the <c:if>'s tests should be

<c:if test="${myval == 'val1'}">checked</c:if>
<c:if test="${myval == 'val2'}">checked</c:if>
<c:if test="${myval == 'val3'}">checked</c:if>

or Check Box 1,2,and 3 respectively.


On Dec 4, 2003, at 7:28 PM, Hien Q Nguyen wrote:

Are you saying that you have a fixed set of options and depends on what value is from your bean, the option that has the same value will be checked?

Maybe something like this?

    <input name="checkbox" type="checkbox" value="val1"
        <c:if test="${myval == 'val1'}">checked</c:if>
    > Check Box 1
    <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox2" value="val2"
        <c:if test="${myval == 'val1'}">checked</c:if>
    > Check Box 2
    <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox3" value="val3"
        <c:if test="${myval == 'val1'}">checked</c:if>
    >Check Box 3

Where myval is your the column's value you want to test for?


On Dec 4, 2003, at 4:58 PM, Clark Kent wrote:

I have a situation where I have a table with rows of information.

checkbox1 - unique for row1
checkbox2 - unique for row2
checkbox3 - unique for row3
I do know that there are exactly 3 rows of information at all times for this table. Now I am trying to get these checkboxes to work based on each unique row.

What kind of struts tag do I use to perform the checkbox to have a check against it or not based on whether that particular checkbox info appears in the row because each checkbox has its respective getter which returns boolean.

<some tag to check for condition>
  <html:checkbox property="a1">
<end tag>

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