Hi Gary,
>I am facing the same trouble. If u come to know the answer Please let me
>know as well
>Thanks in Advance
I havn't been able to find a solution yet though asking in several ngs
and forums.
I will post to the list if the problem is solved (but I still hope,
that someone of the listmembers knows which way to go :o).

Ralf Rapude

> Hi,
> with a logic:iterate tag I run over a Collection:
> <logic:present name="<%=Constants.SUBJECTS %>" scope="session" >
> <logic:iterate id="subjects" name="<%=Constants.SUBJECTS %>">
> ...output
> </logic:iterate>
> </logic:present>
> It works well but if I try to iterate over the same collection after
> changing the id (but still in the same jsp):
> <logic:present name="<%=Constants.SUBJECTS %>" scope="session" >
> <logic:iterate id="subjectsmain" name="<%=Constants.SUBJECTS %>">
> ... output
> </logic:iterate>
> </logic:present>
> I got this Exception -> Cannot create iterator for this collection
> It works if I put my collection under a different name in the
> session-scope, but in my Opinion there must be a more proper way to
> handle the problem.
> Thanks a lot
> Ralf
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