Only the template definition called can 'see' the Tiles context and access
the attributes.  In your case the classicLayout.jsp can use the input and
result attributes.  If the bodyTwoColumns.jsp is to be your layout then
changing classicLayout.jsp to have the two columns format would be the best
solution.  You could also pass the attributes from the template to the input
jsps but that becomes difficult to extend or change because you have
explicit variables you are creating in your template jsp for other jsps to


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Oliver Wulff
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 6:16 AM
Subject: Tiles, Definition inheritence


I'm quite new to Tiles and I've got the following problem:

I've defined the following default definition:
<definition name=".mainLayout" path="/layout/classicLayout.jsp">
      <put name="title"  value="Berechtigung WEB with Tiles" />
      <put name="header" value="/top_menu.jsp" />
      <put name="menu"   value="/toc.jsp" />
      <put name="footer" value="/footer.jsp" />
      <put name="body"   value="/welcome.jsp" />

The classicLayout.jsp hasn't been changed (Struts examples).

Additionally, I've defined the following Definition:
<definition name=".showOrgEinheit" extends=".mainLayout">
      <put name="input" value="/getOrgEinheit.jsp" />
      <put name="result" value="/showOrgEinheit.jsp" />
      <put name="body" value="/layout/bodyTwoColumns.jsp" />

The bodyTwoColumns looks like this:
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld" prefix="tiles" %>

<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="5">
  <td width="50%" align="left">
    <tiles:insert attribute='input'/>
  <td width="50%" align="left">
    <tiles:insert attribute='result' />

My struts action forwards to the definition .showOrgEinheit but I get the
following error:
[ServletException in:/layout/bodyTwoColumns.jsp] Error - Tag Insert : No
value found for attribute 'input'.'

Can anybody help me, please? Thank you a lot.


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