Am Mittwoch, 10. Dezember 2003 18:30 schrieb Trieu, Danny:

> If I remember correctly, I think the request processor did exactly
> what you did on 2.  And I think (1) approach is better and it
> consistent with MVC. Just make sure that all of your request will go
> through the FrontController then all of your response will have it
> header set with no-cache.
> --danny

AFAIK Struts issues only the 'standard three' set of NoCache
directions, so the IE extensions are not there. The same is true
for the endless list of cache control headers when proxies
come into play. The details are laid out in RFC 2616 (Section
13, p. 108ff.), if you're after some pretty dry reading stuff.
Don't know if this is really necessary, but just to make sure,
I also have a 'proxy-revalidate' attribute in my Cache-control
headers and usually use a custom tag for such things. The
reason behind is not so much because Struts doesn't work
(it works fine, actually), but because of the fact that setting
the nocache attribute is an all-or-nothing solution, and not
all 'dynamic' pages, in particular the ones consisting of more
or less static text, really change that often and therefore
may safely be cached for performance reasons. Then,
I somewhat suspect that cache control headers *might*
confuse caching web spiders like the GoogleBot. Using
Tiles anyway, I usually put the tag in the master template
for the non-cachable parts and then just forget about it.

-- Chris.

NB. Another option is using a filter for cache control,
enabling one to forbid caching only for certain paths.
Recent Resin versions have some interesting options
in this direction, but I never actually tried them out yet.

> Danny Trieu
> Internet Business Group
> Downey Savings and Loan Association, F.A.
> (949) 509-4564

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