Thanks, I figured it out, but it still didn't work. I talked with the
lead developer, and we decided to just use session scope for this, and
now it works.


-----Original Message-----
From: Yee, Richard K,,DMDCWEST [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 4:36 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: dynamically sized form (mostly solved)

Check out

With a lazy list, if you try and get using an index that is greater than
the size of the list, then it will return an empty object instead of
resulting in an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Schmidgall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 1:27 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: dynamically sized form (mostly solved)

Would someone be able to point me somewhere that could explain the
LazyList? I'm having a very similar problem with my jsp, and I found the
javadoc, but I don't understand how to actually instantiate the


-----Original Message-----
From: Nicholas L Mohler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 2:11 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: dynamically sized form (mostly solved)

The reason you get the null pointer exception is that the
"inventoryList" property in your DynaActionForm is created empty.  The
exception occurs when Struts tries to populate
inventoryList[0].startNumber or inventoryList[0].endNumber.

Even though I haven't used the DynaActionForm, I know that it will have
the same limitations/requirements for populating indexed properties as
an ActionForm.  I know that some folks use a LazyList for processing
their indexed properties.  Perhaps that will help you.

The reason you don't get the exception with the name iList is that
struts makes no attempt to populate the ArrayList in your

Can't provide an answer...but I can see the why to your problem Nick


                      "Nifty Music"

                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         To:


                      12/10/2003 01:33         Subject:  RE: dynamically
sized form (mostly solved)                                    

                      Please respond to

                      "Struts Users

                      Mailing List"



I apologize in advance if this comes through twice.  Our email server
was having issues this morning, so I'm resending it in case it didn't
make it out the first time.  Thanks! I am attempting to do something
similar to what has been posted here in the current Struts application
that I'm working on. I'm using a DynaValidatorForm in request scope,
iterating through a dynamically generated ArrayList that I've put into
the DynaValidatorForm, and then attempting to pass it through request
scope using indexed properties. The page displays perfectly, but when I
try to submit it, I get the following
[Servlet Error]-[BeanUtils.populate]: java.lang.NullPointerException: No
indexed value for 'inventoryList[0]' at

Here are some snippets of code:
>From the ActionClass that populates the .JSP:
ArrayList itemRanges = itemCDTO.getItemRanges(); //returns an ArrayList
of ItemRange beans form.set("inventoryList", itemRanges); From
struts-config.xml: <form-bean name="inventoryModifyForm" type
<form-property name="page" type="java.lang.Integer" /> <form-property
name="submit" type="java.lang.String" /> <form-property
name="rangeStart" type="java.lang.String" /> <form-property
name="rangeEnd" type="java.lang.String" /> <form-property
name="inventoryList" type="java.util.ArrayList" /> <form-property
name="description" type="java.lang.String" /> </form-bean> <action
<forward name="cancelled" path="inventory.cancelled" /> <forward
name="page2" path="inventory.modify2" /> </action> From the JSP:
<logic:iterate id="inventoryList" name="inventoryModifyForm" property
="inventoryList" > <tr> <td> <html:text indexed="true"
name="inventoryList" property="startNumber" /> <html:text indexed="true"
name="inventoryList" property="endNumber" /> </td> </tr>
</logic:iterate> An interesting thing I noticed when I change the code
in the JSP like this:

<logic:iterate id="iList" name="inventoryModifyForm" property
="inventoryList" > <tr> <td> <html:text indexed="true" name="iList"
property="startNumber" /> <html:text indexed="true" name="iList"
property="endNumber" /> </td> </tr> </logic:iterate> ....then I don't
get the error. But of course, when I do an (ArrayList)
form.get("inventoryList"), it returns an empty List to the Action class.
I can, however, bypass the DynaValidatorForm and directly query the
HttpServletRequest object and pull the individual components by doing a
request.getParameter("iList[0].startNumber"), which is extremely clunky.
I'm sure I must be missing something stupid. If anyone can shed some
light, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much! Brent
From: Yee, Richard K,,DMDCWEST [<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2003 4:23 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: dynamically sized form (mostly solved)

You actually only need the form in the request. You don't need the
property of the form at all in your JSP.

In my JSP I use

<html:form action="/indexTestSubmitAction">
<logic:iterate id="testBean" name="dynaIndexTestForm" property="tests"
indexId="ctr" > <html:text name="testBean" property="id" /><br>
<html:text name="testBean" property="amount" /><br> <html:text
name="testBean" property="name"/> </logic:iterate> <html:submit
value="Update"/> </html:form>

In struts-config.xml I have this

<form-bean name="dynaIndexTestForm"
<form-property name="tests"


<action path="/indexTestSubmitAction"
name="dynaIndexTestForm" scope="request" input="/loginSucceeded.jsp">
<forward name="success" path="/succeeded.jsp" redirect="false"/>
</action> </action-mappings>


-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Bathje [<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2003 2:17 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: dynamically sized form (mostly solved)

> I found out that using new DynaActionForm()inside of the
> PreLoaderAction.execute() doesn't work. It gives a null pointer 
> exception when you try and call the set() method.
> You need to do this instead:
> FormBeanConfig cfg = mapping.getModuleConfig() 
> .findFormBeanConfig("dynaIndexTestForm");
> DynaActionForm myForm;

Richard - this was the last piece of the puzzle for me, now it works
without having to supply the name="form" on the preloader

Mark - I have had it working both ways now, in session and request. If
you want to do it in request you have to have 2 request objects in your
preload. The first is the form itself, and the second is the property
for the form (which is what you actually loop through in your jsp)

I will probably use the request scope myself just because I try to stay
out of session as much as possible.

Matt Bathje

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