Hi, I have: 

        } catch (InitializationException e) {
            ActionMessage errorMessage = new ActionMessage("init_error", 
"Initialization Exception");
            ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
            errors.add("init_error", new ActionError("init_error", errorMessage));
            saveErrors(request, errors);
            return mapping.findForward(FORWARD_error); 

I am performing an illegal substring just before the catch to throw an exception and 
test my error page. But all I am getting is 'HTTP 500 - Internal server error'. 
FORWARD_error is defined and mapped to a valid JSP. But I am not getting that far. 
Also, in my conf/web.xml I have 


with error500.jsp in both ROOT and the context directory, which is not picking up the 
500 server error! A dose of lethargy on my 'Actions' it seems?

Any ideas please?


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