First of all the templates go to Templates directory and tile to a Tiles

  I use two "kinds" of tiles definitions: those that are used to help build
pages, those that are used see pages.

  For the build ones, I use ".definition.def".
  For example, a one form definition would be ".form.def", for a two form
definition would be ".double.form".

  The name of the major Tiles definition is the same as the JSP template.
  The name of Tiles definition properties are the same as the JSP files (for
the initial values).

      <put name="head"       value="/WEB-INF/classes/pkg/tiles/head.jsp"/>
      <put name="header"     value="/WEB-INF/classes/pkg/tiles/header.jsp"/>
      <put name="menu"    value="/WEB-INF/classes/pkg/tiles/menu.jsp"/>
      <put name="errors"     value="/WEB-INF/classes/pkg/tiles/errors.jsp"/>
      <put name="form"       value="/WEB-INF/classes/pkg/tiles/form.jsp"/>
      <put name="footer"     value="/WEB-INF/classes/pkg/tiles/footer.jsp"/>

  For the presentation, I use the name of the extended build definition and
then a name of the page.
  For example, a search form that extends ".form.def" would be
"" which uses a search.jsp file.

      <put name="form" value="/WEB-INF/classes/pkg/tiles/forms/search.jsp"/>

  The first name of the extended Tiles definition is the same as the  major
  The last name of the extended Tiles definition is the same as the JSP
  The directory where the JSP file is located, is the plural of the major
definition name.
  If the project has a lot of roles I could also use the role to place the
JSP file.

   Admin role
  User role
  Common to more than one role

  When the number of properties to be set are more than 1, I use the place
where they will be presented to name the JSP files (t = top, b = bottom, m =
middle, l = left, r = right, c = center...):


  - major definition (build)

      <put name="head"       value="/WEB-INF/classes/pkg/tiles/head.jsp"/>
      <put name="menu"    value="/WEB-INF/classes/pkg/tiles/menu.jsp"/>
      <put name="errors"     value="/WEB-INF/classes/pkg/tiles/errors.jsp"/>
      <put name="topForm"
      <put name="bottomForm"
     <put name="footer"     value="/WEB-INF/classes/pkg/tiles/footer.jsp"/>

  - minor definition (see something)

      <put name="topForm"
      <put name="bottomForm"

  For the action to tiles name translation:

  Action = /ActionName -> .some-major-definition.actionname
          /ViewUser -> .form.viewuser
          /User?operation=view -> .form.user (I only use a dispatch action
when getting an input from 1 form and having more than one action
possibility that ends up on the input form (view user and edit user, for

  Speaking of organizing a large project... how do you represent, in a UML
diagram, Tiles definitions, forms, actions, in a way that you understand the
flow of the application? Do you use the name/colors to differ actions
components from form components? How can you represent a Tiles definition (I
donšt mean the tiles configuration file)?

Pedro Salgado

On 16/12/2003 13:23, "Philip Mark Donaghy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello world,
> Naming conventions help organize large projects and
> facilitates the establishment of relationships between
> objects and entities configured in an XML file. My
> current project is using the following convention.
> The forward success path is similar to the action
> path.
> action path="/foo/bar/accesModifierRacine"
> forward path=""
> The Tiles definition uses the name
> so that when I see the url
> /foo/bar/accesModifierRacine I know which Tiles
> definition to see.
> In addition to that the body of the tiles definition
> is often the same.
> put name="body"
> value="foo/bar/accesModifierRacine.jsp"
> If anyone would like to contribute their naming
> conventions I am sure that the community would
> appreciate it.
> Phil
> =====
> Java Web Application Architect
> - Java and GIS
> struts1.1:tomcat4.1.27:linuxRH8
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