On 16/12/2003 14:21, "beyaRecords - The home Urban music"

> Hi,
> just installed struts on os x panther (10.3), or should I say trying to!
> I am running apache 2, tomcat, cocoon with no problems. My problem is
> installing Struts (AHHHHHH!!!!)
> Now, following the install document it says to copy
> "struts-documentation.war" and "struts-example.war" to your
> $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps directory. Done that.
> On restarting tomcat, a file called tomcat-apache.conf should be
> generated and placed in my  $TOMCAT_HOME/conf directory. Nope, this is
> not happening. I thought that there might be a write privilege issue
> with the folder, but got no joy with that. What am I doing wrong??

  Finally someone else who uses mac. :)

  I am also using Tomcat 4.1.27 (not from ServerLogistics) but with the
Apache that comes with Apple with no problems...

  Maybe it would be best to ask ServerLogistics what's is the problem since
it seems that is a setup/configuration problem...

  By the way, Struts 1.2 is the development version not the final release
version... In case you didn't notice.

Pedro Salgado

> Would I be right in thinking that the tomcat-apache.conf file is not
> specific, in the sense that it doesn't captures machine specific data
> and is just a generic file? If so, could one of you kind people send me
> the file so I can get on with the rest of my life, please??? ;-)
> Uzo
> p.s.
> Setup specific is:
> 1. complete Apache 2.0.48 (from Server Logistics -
> www.serverlogistics.com)
> 2. complete Jakarta Tomcat (from Server Logistics)
> 3. Apache Coccoon (from Server Logistics)
> 4. Struts 1.2 (from jakarta.apache.org)
> On 16 Dec 2003, at 14:06, beyaRecords - The home Urban music wrote:
>> Hi,
>> is anybody receiving my emails?
>> regards
>> Uzo
>> On 16 Dec 2003, at 14:03, Eric SCHULTZ wrote:
>>> Good morning...
>>> I need to do something similar with additional configuration
>>> properties for
>>> a particular action.
>>> I figure I need to write a plug-in that creates a thread that checks
>>> the
>>> properties file every x seconds and if changed reloads it into a
>>> context
>>> attribute.
>>> My problem is I've never done thread-safe programming before and I
>>> figure I
>>> need to handle the possibility that the plug-in's thread could be
>>> writing a
>>> new version while several actions are reading from the existing one.
>>> Does anyone have any pointers to some information on how to do this
>>> properly?  Much appreciated.
>>> Thanks
>>> Eric Schultz
>>> Technical Leader
>>> Conseiller Technique
>>> Elix
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>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Joe Germuska [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> Sent: December 15, 2003 11:14
>>> To: Struts Users Mailing List
>>> Subject: RE: Reloading of application resources
>>> At 11:42 AM +0200 12/15/03, Nicklas Karlsson wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 15 Dec 2003, Yves Sy wrote:
>>>>>  Create a thread in your cache manager that polls for changes in the
>>>>>  timestamp of the properties file, say, every 5000 ms and reloads
>>>>> it when
>>>>>  a new one is detected.
>>>> Yes, but the problem is not at the cache end, the issues are how
>>>> to trigger the components (the ActionServlet in this case) into
>>>> refreshing
>>>> their data from the cache. Do I have to extends the ActionServlet and
>>>> manually pop in refreshed data (based on some trigger) in the
>>>> message key
>>>> in the ServletContext? And how does locale affect the configured key
>>> Note that although the message data is read in from Properties files,
>>> the objects in the ServletContext which resolve references to
>>> properties keys are instances of a specific Struts class,
>>> MessageResources.  If you dynamically reloadable messages (which
>>> would be useful to many people), you'll want to look at the
>>> MessageResources and MessageResourcesFactory abstract classes and
>>> extend them (or their Property oriented subclasses) in order to add
>>> in your functionality...
>>> http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/api/org/apache/struts/util/
>>> MessageResources
>>> .html
>>> http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/api/org/apache/struts/util/
>>> MessageResources
>>> Factory.html
>>> There's an ongoing process to factor these classes out of Struts and
>>> into a commons library, and to have Struts use that library (on the
>>> roadmap, that's slated for Struts 1.3.x).
>>> http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/sandbox/resources/
>>> http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/status.html
>>> Hope that helps.  I know I'd find a dynamically reloadable messages
>>> bundle useful!
>>> Joe
>>> -- 
>>> Joe Germuska
>>> http://blog.germuska.com
>>>   "We want beef in dessert if we can get it there."
>>>    -- Betty Hogan, Director of New Product Development, National
>>> Cattlemen's Beef Association
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