
OS: Windows XP
App Server: BEA Weblogic 8.1
MVC: Struts 1.1
IDE: JBuilder 7 Enterprise

JSP File:  See attachment

<Dec 17, 2003 9:34:42 AM MST> <Error> <HTTP> <BEA-101020> 
<[ServletContext(id=28941,name=hipaax,context-path=/hipaax)] Servlet failed with 

weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspException: (line 1): 
Error in using tag library uri='/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld' prefix='html': The Tag class 
'org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BaseTag' has no setter method corresponding to TLD 
declared attribute 'server', (JSP 1.1 spec, 5.4.1)

I have checked the following:
1. Struts.jar is present in web-inf/lib
2. Taglib definitions (uri and location) present in web.xml
3. Struts tld files present under web-inf

I have also searched the BEA newsgroups for solutions in vain.

I use StrutsCX (XML/XSL) for the View part of MVC. So I am not familiar with tag 
libraries and am unable to solve this problem after a day of searching the 
newsgroups/web. Your help and time are greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


PS:Please let me know resources where I could get more information if this is a 
generic issue.


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