Has anyone used WSAD 5.0 with StrutsTestCase 2.0 ?
I've only succeded to make it work after several operation which don't inspire
me much confidence, or maybe is just me  taking  the hard way.
Is there anyone there who used this and can give me some hints?


PS: For anyone interested here are the steps I took to make it work the way it

[1]. in setUp() add
setContextDirectory(new File("D:\\workspace\\strutsJunit\\jsp"));
[2.]Replace the  servletunit.ServletContextSimulator getRessource() method
content with
try {
   return this.getClass().getResource(path);
 } catch (Exception e) {
      return null;
[3.]execute ant to build a new strutstest-2.0.0.jar (the new one has 42K)
[4.]replace in the /WEB-INF/lib/ strutstest-2.0.0.jar (38K) with the new one
[5.]In your /WEB-INF/classes/ create a directory called /WEB-INF/ and copy
struts-config.xml and web.xml there
Run your tests

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