Dear struts users,

I'm having some trouble with something I would like to do after a
successfull insert in the database.

I will try to explain it as well as I can.

In our menu we have a link. This link points to an action
/maintenance/ This action is a ForwardAction and it sends
the request to a tile called .maintenance.CustomerForm . This form is
initially empty and only contains one field (for now). This is the name of
the customer.

When a name is typed in this field, it will be inserted in the database
(this works fine). After inserting I want to go back to the
.maintenance.CustomerForm, but I don't want to lose the message I've set in
request scope with saveMessages and I WOULD LOVE lose the name of the
customer that I just inserted. If I come back to the customer form now, the
field where someone can type a name is already filled with the name I just
inserted. This is not good, I wanted to be empty aftert a successfull

It seems like the form stays in session/request or whatever scope, but I
can't make it empty or null it.

Could somebody give me some pointers how to solve this? (e.g. keywords to
search on of maybe a link. I also have the Struts in Action and Professional
Jakarta Struts books, so page numbers are fine too ;-) )

Or is the only way to solve this via a success page between the action and
the form? I would like to avoid this, because somebody who has to do a lot
of data entry doesn't want a confirmation page after each entry.

I searched through this mail archive, but didn't find anything usefull or
maybe I'm searching on the wrong keywords!

Thanks in advance!


Ronald Rotteveel

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