Its actually expecting




but this shouldn't make any difference in the jsp as

getAliasRef() and get("aliasRef").. are the same thing in the jsp (well in terms of the jsp one uses to access the properties.)

Cheers Mark

On 23 Dec 2003, at 11:25, Marco Mistroni wrote:

Hi all,
        I am trying to get things working with DynaActionform.
I have defined my dynaAction form in my struts-config file as follows..

<form-bean name="productAliasForm"
        <form-property name="aliasRef" type="java.lang.String"/>
        <form-property name="contactRef" type="java.lang.String"/>
        <form-property name="productRef" type="java.lang.String"/>

mapped to following class

<action path="/productContactAliasSetUp"
                        validate="false" scope="request">
                        <forward name="blank"

now, when the ProductSetupAction forward the request to productMaintenance.jsp, I got following JSP compilation error:

ServletException in:/AliasMaintenance.jsp] No getter method for property
aliasRef of bean org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN'

At a glance, it seems that the page does not recognize the DynaActionForm, since it is expecting to have a getAliasRef, while the DynaActionForm has only get and set..

Any additional steps that I have to configure still in JSP to get things

Thanx and regards

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