That is what I resorted to ultimately (the dirty way I guess). The issue
here is that the formatting of the attribute is dictated by a config
file, saying which ones will be upper case and which ones will be
lowercase. Hence I was initially trying with the CSS style attribute on
html:input (text)  tag to control the input. 
Here is what happens. When the user types in with the Caps Lock off, the
entry is all uppercase but the value sent to the server is lowercase.
However, the entry is uppercase if the user switches the caps lock on.
This is what confused me. Even though the user sees the entries as all
Uppercase (with caps lock off since the style defines text-transform:
uppercase), the actual values are lowercase.

I have resorted to doing a regex on the config variable (that I store on
a bean)  and explicitly set the form field value to uppercase if I find
a matching pattern of  "uppercase" in the config variable...yuck!!. 

But the css style attribute for html:input (text) completely buffoons
me. Perhaps, inline css is not supposed to be used with html:input (text
type) tag ?? 

-----Original Message-----
From: Pitchko, John SCAN-- [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2003 9:02 AM
To: Shishir K. Singh; Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Html:input help

IMO, you're probably better off doing this kind of data transformation
inside of an Action. Would it be at all possible to do this within your

-----Original Message-----
From: Shishir K. Singh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: December 22, 2003 4:44 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Html:input help


I have two html:input (type text ) fields on my form and I am converting
them to upper case using inline css style. I have included the rendered
html page  snippet. If you see, the PartNo retains the value uppercase
value (TEST1). However, the Part Description is not correct even though
the style is same. If I remove the Part No from the form, the Part
description gets the correct value i.e all uppercase. 

Has anyone faced this problem ? If so, any advice would be appreciated. 

                                        <td class="contentLeft">
                                                Part No
                                        <td class="contentRight">
                                                <input type="text"
name="lines[0].attrValue" maxlength="20" size="20" value="TEST1"
style="text-transform: uppercase;" class="contentText">

                                        <td class="contentLeftCol">
                                                Part Description
                                        <td class="contentRight">
                                                <input type="text"
name="lines[1].attrValue" maxlength="64" size="50" value="fdsfdsfsdfdsf"
style="text-transform: uppercase;" class="contentText">




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