In my Form I define an Array, which contains some message resource keys.
I'm able to print out the values,
but what I want to archive is that it prints out the value from the
application resource properties and also I 
wanted to use an logic:iterate to print them out, so it should be
something like that:
<logic:iterate id=" keyAry " name=" keyAry ">
<tr align="left">
<bean:message key="<bean:write name=" keyAry" property=" keyIndexed" />
What works so far:
private String keyAry[]   = { "form.uid", "form.email", "form.password",
"form.conf_pwd", "form.getEmail"};
    public String getKeyIndexed(int index) { 
        return keyAry[index]; 
    public void setKeyIndexed(int index, String value) { 
        keyAry[index] = value; 
<jsp:useBean id="keyAry" class="struts.form.indexedForm"/>
<bean:write name=" keyAry" property="keyIndexed[1]"/><br>
RESULT:             form.email

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