You should be able to do this with standard J2EE security provided
by your web container.

If you store your user credentials in a database, then you may want
to look at SecurityFilter:

It allows you to leverage standard J2EE security features but provides
more flexible authentication. 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Patrick Scheuerer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2003 6:37 PM
> To: Struts Users List
> Subject: Design question regarding struts security features
> Hello everybody,
> I'm in the process of developing my first Struts application, so forgive 
> me if this question is insulting everybody's intellect.
> The application I'm working on is a support portal where you can 
> download technical document, drivers etc. The tricky part is, that 
> certain documents should be only accessible to users with a certain role.
> My idea so far is to put a user object in the session and to evaluate 
> the role (and therefore the access level) of the user for all views that 
> are displaying  data which might be restricted.
> I guess the easiest way would be using a jsp tag like 
> <security:checkAccessLevel /> which would retrieve the user object from 
> the session (if it exists) and the then filter the data accordingly. Is 
> there such "security taglib" around?
> Has anybody worked on a similar scenario? What is the best approach to 
> solve this problem? Is there a best practice for it? Any tips, hints, 
> code snippets are welcome.
> Thank you very much.
> Patrick
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