I think the javabean spec doesn't allow multiple setters for a single property.
If I'm right, you cannot have two setXXX method with different parameters types, as 
beanutils just looks for a method
named "setXXX" without using parameter types.


> Ivan De La Pena wrote:
> > Hope this helps :
> Thanks Ivan, It did help :-).
> The problem I had was a bit strange: in my business object a had a method
> setSomeProperty(String[] data) and a method setSomeProperty(Vector data).
> copyProperties() called setSomeProperty(Vector data) on my business bean
> although the method signature of the source bean has the first method signature
> (witch a String[]).
> If there are multiple methods with the same name, shouldn't copyProperties()
> pick the one with the same method signature as in the source bean??? In my
> opinion this would at least be a desirable default behavior....
> Has anybody else experienced this problem?
> Patrick
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