Maybe the problem isn't web.xml.

  A two months ago, I had to configure a Struts application on a JRun Server
and I had some problems to make it work correctly.

  If your using Tomcat then some of the libs will be in its proper location
/WEB-INF/lib (commons-*, struts-*, and some other) but on Jrun I had to

on the ${JRUN_HOME}/servers/lib.

  In your case, maybe this isn't possible.

  For what I unserstood this is a JRun issue... something about loading
classes priority (servers lib, then website lib... ?! and not implementing a
Sun's specification... In conclusion, something that Tomcat does right and
JRun doesn't).

  You can try using Jrun locally also to check this... You can download the
software from Macromedia (the license is free for development anyway) and
check what's happening.

Pedro Salgado

On 02/01/2004 03:11, "Mike Steigerwald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi, all,
> I'm a struts newbie trying to learn with struts-example. I've got it working
> great locally with Tomcat, but I'm struggling to deploy it on my ISP's JRun
> server.
> I can't seem to figure out some configuration property to get JRun to
> understand the *.do mapping. All of my .jsp links work great, but I get 404
> errors for any link such as:
> I'm sure the solution is obvious, but I'm going blind scouring the
> documentation. Thanks in advance for any help.
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