If you make your Item class returns an Error object, you can avoid the errorCodeList, something like this:

public class Item {
        private int id=0;
        private MyError error;

         * @return Returns the error.
        public MyError getError() {
                return error;

         * @param error The error to set.
        public void setError(MyError error) {
                this.error = error;

         * @return Returns the id.
        public int getId() {
                return id;

         * @param id The id to set.
        public void setId(int id) {
                this.id = id;

         * @param id
        public Item(int id) {
                this.id = id;

assume that you have MyError class defined as a JavaBean with two properties errorCode (int) and errorString (String).

in your jsp:

java.util.Collection itemList = new java.util.ArrayList();

hqn.Item item1 = new hqn.Item(1);
item1.setError( new hqn.MyError(1, "Error Description 1") );

itemList.add( item1 );

hqn.Item item2 = new hqn.Item(2);
item2.setError( new hqn.MyError(2, "Error Description 2") );

request.setAttribute("itemList", itemList );


Using JSTL forEach tag:

<c:forEach items="${itemList}" var="item">
    Item ID= <c:out value="${item.id}"/><BR>
    Error Code: <c:out value="${item.error.errorCode}"/><BR>
    Error Desc: <c:out value="${item.error.errorString}"/><BR>

Using logic:iterate tag:

<logic:iterate id="item" name="itemList">
        Item Id= <bean:write name="item" property="id"/><BR>
        <bean:define id="error" name="item"  property="error"/>
        Error Code: <bean:write name="error" property="errorCode"/><BR>
        Error Desc: <bean:write name="error" property="errorString"/><BR>

I'd recommend you to use JSTL.


On Jan 5, 2004, at 4:39 PM, ngonqua wrote:

I'm very new to struts so please be kindly.
I have two Arraylist call itemList and errorCodeList. The itemList contains list of Item object. The item object has a property calls errorCode which returns an error code in int (1-50). I want to display the error description associates to that error code. How can I pass in the error code to the errorCodeList the get the error description.

Item          Error Description
--------        -------------------------
item1        description1
item2        description2
item3        description1
.                .
.                .

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