Looks like Struts 1.1 sends a 400 and the current nightly sends a 403. Maybe
it's a TC bug. Which version are you using?

Quoting Matt Raible <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I have roles configured on my "/editUser" action mapping so that only
> administrator can access it.  When I try to request the page as a
> "user", I get the default 403 page from Tomcat, rather than my app's
> configured one.  In web.xml, I have a number of error pages defined, and
> 404 works OK:
>     <error-page>
>         <error-code>500</error-code>
>         <location>/error.jsp</location>
>     </error-page>
>     <error-page>
>         <error-code>400</error-code>
>         <location>/index.jsp</location>
>     </error-page>
>     <error-page>
>         <error-code>403</error-code>
>         <location>/403.jsp</location>
>     </error-page>
>     <error-page>
>         <error-code>404</error-code>
>         <location>/404.jsp</location>
>     </error-page>
> In another application, that uses a very similar structure, when a 403
> is returned the user sees nothing - they're just routed back to the
> welcome file of the app.  
> The first app uses a Struts Nightly build from early December, the 2nd
> uses Struts 1.1.  Any ideas why my 403.jsp error page isn't displaying?
> I can pull it up fine if I type in the URL.
> Thanks,
> Matt

Kris Schneider <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
D.O.Tech       <http://www.dotech.com/>

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