I have a problem with my battery that makes the system date reset to
1970!!! So if you continue see my mails on the bottom of the maildir it
means that... my hardware vendor hasn't solved my problem :)

Pedro Salgado

On 12/01/2004 08:37, "Christian Schlaefcke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Could you check your system date (01.01.1970). Its bad getting new mails
> for a thread at the very bottom of a maildir.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Chris
>> Here goes a response to your question...
>> Pedro Salgado
>> --------- PREVIOUS MESSAGE (on this mailing list)
>> Hi Robert..
>> I guess you could achieve the same using the controllerClass attribute and
>> building your class.. For instance, I have this definition in the
>> tiles-defs.xml file:
>> ---
>>    <definition name=".layout"
>>                path="/common/layout.jsp"
>>     controllerClass='com.dars.XTileAction'>
>>      <put name="title"       value="Encabezado primario"/>
>>      <put name="leftside"    value="/common/leftside.jsp"/>
>>      <put name="rightside"   value="/common/rightside.jsp"/>
>>      <put name="header"      value="/common/header.jsp"/>
>>      <put name="footer"      value="/common/footer.jsp"/>
>>      <put name="body"        value="/common/body.jsp"/>
>>    </definition>
>> ---
>>   And I have this controllerClass
>> ---
>> package com.dars;
>> import org.apache.struts.tiles.actions.TilesAction;
>> import org.apache.struts.tiles.ComponentContext;
>> import org.apache.struts.tiles.Controller;
>> import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
>> import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
>> import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
>> import javax.servlet.ServletException;
>> import java.io.IOException;
>> public class XTileAction extends TilesAction implements Controller{
>>     public void perform(ComponentContext tilesctx,
>>                         HttpServletRequest request,
>>                         HttpServletResponse response,
>>                         ServletContext servctx)
>>                         throws ServletException, IOException{
>>  /* GetAttributes */
>>              String titulo= (String)tilesctx.getAttribute("title");
>>              String derecha= (String)tilesctx.getAttribute("rightside");
>>  /* GetAttributes */
>>              System.out.println("  Titulo: "+titulo);
>>              System.out.println(" Derecha: "+derecha);
>>  /* SetAttributes */
>>            tilesctx.putAttribute("title", "Titulo nuevo de esta vaina..");
>>            tilesctx.putAttribute("rightside", "/common/footer.jsp");
>>  /* SetAttributes */
>>     }
>> }
>> ---
>> You can change the values of those attributes at runtime. I prefer to do
>> it using this method.
>> Atte.
>> Domingo A. Rodriguez S.
>>  --- Robert Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió: > Greetings, I have a
>> tiles definition in my tiles-defs.xml similar to
>>> below:
>>>  <definition name="search" extends="layout">
>>>     <put name="heading" value="{0}Search" type="string" />
>>>     <put name="content" value="/search.jsp" type="page" />
>>>   </definition>
>>> which I would like to be able to modify the "heading" value such that
>>> at runtime I could substitute a value for {0}.
>>> For example, it would be ideal to use a JSTL type of syntax such as:
>>> <definition name="search" extends="layout">
>>>     <put name="heading" value="${param.myValue}Search" type="string" />
>>>     <put name="content" value="/search.jsp" type="page" />
>>>   </definition>
>>> but this does not work.
>>> robert
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>> On 08/01/2004 20:22, "Anderson, James H [IT]"
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I'm wondering if Tiles provides support for choosing a Tile dynamically,
>>> i.e., programatically at runtime.
>>> Our business users have the capability to not only modify include files,
>>> but
>>> to create new include file directories based on client defined data.
>>> We're
>>> looking for a way to support this in Struts.
>>> Thanks.
>>> jim
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