Showing your JSP directly results in missing images because the relative path to
your images have changed.  Try using absolute path to your images.  If you want
to avoid using the absolute path to your images, make sure that the browser
requests your JSP in a way that the relative paths to the images are still valid.
Or, you could try using a ForwardAction.

--- "Shishir K. Singh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hmmm..strange...can you send a screen shot of how the page looks before
> and after the submit.  
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Leticia Golubov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 11:41 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: RE: Displaying same page after submiting a form
> That's what i did initially, but it caused the page to be displayed with
> errors (images missing, etc) even though the forwar path was exactly the
> same as the parameter path...
> i.e. parameter="/pages/disco/config_toolbar.jsp"
>      forward name ="success" path="/pages/disco/config_toolbar.jsp"
> thanks
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shishir K. Singh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 12 January 2004 16:31
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: RE: Displaying same page after submiting a form
> I think you need to add the forward to your action definition
>   <action path="/saveData"
>         type="com.micromuse.precision.disco.action.SaveAction"
>         name="saveDataForm"
>         parameter="/pages/disco/config_toolbar.jsp"
>         scope="session">
>        <forward    name="success" path="your jsp"/>
>        <forward    name="failure" path="your jsp"
>   </action>
> In your action, when your forward to success or failure, your will be
> brought to the specific jsp that you want (in your case the same )
> Shishir
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Leticia Golubov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 11:25 AM
> To: Struts User Mailing List
> Subject: Displaying same page after submiting a form
> I'm using the following code to submit an action in a .jsp file
> (config_toolbar.jsp):
> <html:form method="post" action="/saveData" name="saveForm"
> type="text/html"
> type="org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm" enctype="text/html">
>     <td><a onClick="javascript:void(document.saveForm.submit());"
> onMouseOver="javascript:SwapImage('save','../../images/button_toolbar_sa
> ve_o
> ver.png'); SetStatus('Save Configuration'); return true;"
> onMouseOut="javascript:SwapImage('save','../../images/button_toolbar_sav
> g'); SetStatus(''); return true;"
> onMouseDown="javascript:SwapImage('save','../../images/button_toolbar_sa
> ve_c
> lick.png');"
> onMouseUp="javascript:SwapImage('save','../../images/button_toolbar_save
> _ove
> r.png');">
>     <img name="save" src="../../images/button_toolbar_save.png"
> border="0"
> width="26" height="26" alt="Save Configuration"></a></td>  </html:form>
> The action is found/executed, and, as a default I'm returning a
> findforward("success") at the end of the ActionForward method in my
> class.
> in struts_config.xml I have the following defined:
>   <action path="/saveData"
>         type="com.micromuse.precision.disco.action.SaveAction"
>         name="saveDataForm"
>         parameter="/pages/disco/config_toolbar.jsp"
>         scope="session">
>   </action>
> In the hope that config_toolbar.jsp will still be displayed instead of
> the blank page I get after I do a mouseClick on the
> button_toolbar_save.png image.  I've tried setting the forward name to
> the config_toolbar.jsp, but that caused strange side effect (all images
> were missing, the page didn't display properly).
> So, essentiall, I want the same page to be displayed after the saveData
> action is executed.  Does anyone know how to do this?
> p.s. I'm new to struts, so could (and I hope it is) be something very
> simple.
> regards
> Leticia :)
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