You can't directly access static fields with JSTL's expression language. Of
course, you can do it with the RT versions of the tags:

<c_rt:set var="priorityArray" value="<%= BrowseTasks.priorityTooltip %>"/>

But that's probably not what you're after. The Jakarta Taglibs Sandbox contains
the Unstandard Tag Library which may be of interest. You can do something like:

<un:bind var="priorityArray"

There have been other approaches outlined on the list before for this sort of
thing (like converting public static fields into a map and storing it in
application scope), so you may want to search the archives.

Quoting Zsolt Koppany <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi,
> I understand that I can copy a Java variable into a JSP variable using
> "pageContext.setAttribute(...)". But can I also do it using JSTL?
> How can I make the code below better?
> (BrowseTasks.priorityTooltip is a java.lang.String[] variable)
> <%@ page import="cv.servlet.bugs.BrowseTasks"%>
> <%
>       pageContext.setAttribute("priorityArray", BrowseTasks.priorityTooltip);
> %>
> Zsolt

Kris Schneider <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
D.O.Tech       <>

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