Sorry all,

I posted this ealier with a typo so here it is again.

I have a url that gets invoked with the url
http://localhost/prototype/ .  I have a SearchAction class that
uses EJBs to pull data from a database to populate a pick list in my search
JSP page.  I use some simple JSTL code to populate the select box:

<c:forEach var="strainType" items="${strainTypes}" varStatus="status">
       <option><c:out value="${strainType}" escapeXml="false"/></option>

I use the following Struts tag to create the <form> tag

<html:form action="SearchResults"

I have a SearchForm class that is a simple ActionForm.  When I submit the
form, I invoke my SearchResultsAction class, however this is where I need
help.  When an error occurs, how do I get back to my page with my
select box (1) populated and (2) have the chosen option from the select box
selected?  Should I be using the Struts tag for a select box?  How do i
re-retrieve the values in the select box?  Am I making sense?

In my stuts-config.xml file I have:

      <action path = "/SearchResults"
              type = "SearchResultsAction"
              name = "SearchForm"
              scope = "request"
              validate = "true"
              input = "/search.jsp">
         <forward name="success" path="/searchResults.jsp"/>
         <forward name="failure" path="/"/>
         <forward name="error" path="/appError.jsp"/>

Currently on an error, I am brought back to my search form with the errors
displayed, but the select box is not populated.




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