> For situations like Tomcat running behind an Apache HTTPD 
> server, this normally
> gets taken care of you automatically.

We have Tomcat running behind an Apache HTTPD and we are getting the port as
well. Is there perhaps something we are missing in the configuration? 

> If you've got a 
> different situation,
> you'll need to figure out how to tell your servlet container 
> to adjust the
> server port it reports -- there's nothing Struts can do to help.

If configuration is not the solution, any suggestions on how to go about
changing the reported port? 

To my mind, it is not so much that we want the servlet container to report a
different port (after all, it is using that port), we just want struts to
use a different port (80) for links. That is, we want to ensure routing
through the front door (i.e., Apache). Would using a Filter be a possible



> -----Original Message-----
> Quoting "Gabriel W." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I am relatively new to this list so I do not know if this 
> topic was discussed
> > before (I checked the archive and it does not appear that way).
> > 
> > It seems that Struts includes the ServerPort in web links 
> if not of the
> > values 80 or 443 (e.g. http://mydomain.com:8080). In some 
> cases this is not
> > the welcomed behavior.
> > Specifically if the Struts server is listening on Port 8080 behind a
> > firewall. The firewall receives the request from the outside
> > internet on port 80 and routes it to the machine listening 
> on Port 8080.  
> > 
> > The Struts machine in this case does not know the 
> difference and so includes
> > the Port 8080.
> > 
> > I looked at the Struts source code I assume is behind the logic
> > (org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BaseTag), and it
> > does not appear as though there is a configuration flag to 
> turn this logic
> > on/off.
> > 
> > Are there any considerations for such an option in the 
> future so that a
> > firewalled site won't have to show 8080.
> > 
> > NOTE: This is a situation where the Struts server does not 
> have permission to
> > listen on Port 80.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Gabe
> > 
> Struts is basing its decision on the port returned by calling
> ServletRequest.getServerPort() -- in other words, if you've 
> got a server or
> proxy that receives requests on port 80 and internally 
> redirects them to some
> other port, there's absolutely no way that Struts can know 
> what the right port
> number is unless your servlet container can tell it.
> For situations like Tomcat running behind an Apache HTTPD 
> server, this normally
> gets taken care of you automatically.  If you've got a 
> different situation,
> you'll need to figure out how to tell your servlet container 
> to adjust the
> server port it reports -- there's nothing Struts can do to help.
> Craig McClanahan

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