<html:select />,  <html:option />, <html:options />, <html:optionsCollection

The <html:select /> tag renders a drop down selection or list box to the end
user.  You can specify the options for the <html:select/> tag with
<html:select />, <html:option />, <html:options />, <html:optionsCollection
/> tags.

The <html:option /> tag generates an option for the select tag (<option>).
The <html:options /> tag is used to generate a group of HTML <option>
elements inside of the select tag.  The <html:optionsCollection /> tag is
also used to generate a list of HTML <option> elements from a collection of

Here is an example of creating a multiple that gets its values from one
collection and its labels from another:
      <html:select property="multipleSelect" size="10" multiple="true">
        <html:options name="multipleValues"

Notice that it sets the multiple attribute to true, this tells the custom
tag to render a select input that allows multiple items in the selection
list to be selected. When you set multiple="true", you have to make sure
that the corresponding property in the ActionForm subclass is an array type.
The html:options tag uses the collection. The first collection is called the
multipleValues, and is used to specify the values that are submitted to the
action if the item is selected. The second collection multipleLabels is used
to populate the labels for the corresponding values in the first collection.

      <html:select property="collectionSelect"
                   size="10" multiple="true">
        <html:options collection="options"
                      property="value" labelProperty="label"/>

A variation of the html:options tag specifies a single collection with a
collection attribute.  Then it specifies an attribute that will contain the
value, and an attribute that specifies the label. The tag will iterate over
each item in the options collection of and call item.getValue() for the
value and item.getLabel() for the label. The property names can be any
property name that the beans in the collection support.

Typically in struts when you're accessing a bean in a certain scope, then
you always use three attributes namely: name, property, and scope. The
html:options breaks all the rules when it comes to dealing with collection.
If the html:optionsCollection uses the standard trinity of attributes as

        <html:optionsCollection name="testbean"


The above uses the trinity of attributes to grab the test bean out of
session scope and use its collection property called beanCollection.  The
collection has a list of JavaBeans of a certain type. The JavaBean has a
label property and a value property which are used by the label and value
attributes to extract the label and values (the property of the JavaBean
does not be called label and value).

Rick Hightower

Struts/J2EE training -- http://www.arc-mind.com/strutsCourse.htm

Struts/J2EE consulting --

-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Froemel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 3:34 AM
Subject: Problem accessing database and <html:options>


I am a newbie with Struts and JSP-Programming.
I want to program the following:

I want to access a database (oracle) and want to get the results
(i.e. firstname and lastname).

I connect to the database with JDBC-Calls within the execute-method
in the Action-Class ( or should I use the option data-source in the
struts-config? ) and store the results in an Array-List.

With the results I want to create a select.
But how I use the command <html:options collections=??? ... > and
display the results?

I will be very glad, if somesome can help me. An small example would be
helpful ;)

Thanks in advance,


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