Hello Alain, Mark and Raj,

Thank you very much for your help. The link to the Sourceforge project
(http://sourceforge.net/projects/sslext/) Alain mentionned, was exactly
what I needed!! (Sorry that I didn't see Alain's thread about Mixed

However I would like to point out it's not working with Struts 1.2 without
changing the org.apache.struts.taglib.html.SecureFormTag source file.
At line 204 there is an if() statement on the "type" attribute which
doesn't exist, the source code does not compile. Simply comment the whole
if() statement but KEEP the "else" section. Recompile the source and your
done. It worked perfectly for me.

Thanks again for your help.

Thursday, January 15, 2004, 5:34:46 PM, you wrote:

AVV> I had the same need last week and I started a Thread called "Mix protocols
AVV> transparently in Struts"
AVV> Have a look at this ...
AVV> You will need the "Struts SSL Switching Extension" hosted at sourceforge:
AVV> http://sourceforge.net/projects/sslext/

AVV> Alain

AVV> At 17:27 15/01/2004 +0100, you wrote:
>>Is there any parameter to define a forward should be done over https
>>instead of the http protocol? I mean, is there something like this
>>(which is not working) :
>>     <forward name="logon" path="/jsp/logon.jsp" protocol="https"/>
>>     <forward name="logon" path="/jsp/logon.jsp" secure="true"/>
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 Foux                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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