What I'm trying to do is create a list of items from an ArrayList in the

My list is an Array list of objects. Here's the interface:

public interface SecurityMenuView {
         * Returns the Struts Action for the given Menu item
         * @return
        String getAction();
         * Returns the label for the given menu item.
         * @return
        String getLabel();

Now, this is what I'd like to do in my jsp (it obviously doesn't work..).

<logic:iterate id="link" name="userView.menuList">
        <li><html:link action="link.action"></li>

So.. I'd like to set the action to the link element's "action" property.
Does anyone know a good way to do this? I've tried doing this too:

<logic:iterate id="link" name="userView" property="menuList">
        <li><a href='<bean:write name="link"
property="action"/>'><bean:write name="link" property="label"/></a> 

but it means hard coding the path to the action (i.e., "/my-app/action.do".


Bryce Fischer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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