Hello Vinicius,

Monday, January 19, 2004, 11:29:19 AM, you wrote:

VC> Hi there! Is there another way to present the messages or erros dropped by
VC> ActionMessages/ActionErrors, besides the
VC> <html:errors>/<html:messages> ?
VC> Like a <bean:write>? If so, what's the name of the bean?

VC> Thanks

VC> Vinicius

Sure there is another way to present errors instead of using the
<html:error> tag (which is quiet annoying in terms of design).

For example I'm using a subscription page holding different sections.
Therefore I wanted to extract errors according to the form bean
properties relative to each section.

I've been using this technique:

        <logic:messagesPresent property="adminFirstname">
            <html:messages id="error" property="adminFirstname">
                <li class="FormErrorMessage"><bean:write name="error"/></li>

        <logic:messagesPresent property="adminLastname">
            <html:messages id="error" property="adminLastname">
                <li class="FormEactrrorMessage"><bean:write name="error"/></li>

        <logic:messagesPresent property="adminUsername">
            <html:messages id="error" property="adminUsername">
                <li class="FormErrorMessage"><bean:write name="error"/></li>

        <logic:messagesPresent property="adminPassword">
            <html:messages id="error" property="adminPassword">
                <li class="FormErrorMessage"><bean:write name="error"/></li>


with this technique, I can extract errors for each property and also
control de presentation. It's working fine for me (I'm using the CVS version
of Struts).

I hope this will help you.


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